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SDK Installation

To integrate the Calimero Private Shard into your project and enable authentication via the NEAR Wallet, follow the steps below:

Calimero Demo Example Application

We have created a demo example application that serves as a tutorial for integration. This demo example uses the Calimero SDK, which is open-source and available on GitHub. The Calimero SDK is also published on npm and can be installed using either Yarn or npm.

Calimero SDK

The Calimero SDK is an open-source SDK designed for interacting with the Calimero Private Shard. It provides the necessary tools and functionality for authentication and communication with the shard.


To install the Calimero SDK in your project, you can use either Yarn or npm.


Open your project's terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

yarn add calimero-sdk


Open your project's terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

npm install calimero-sdk